oneiric elias

musings of a girl

Friday, November 10, 2006

what I've learned in the past 6 hours

1. Be bold
It's ok to voice abstract, half-baked ideas. It only makes you look creative.
2. Have an opinion
It can be shit. Doesn't matter as long as you're articulate and are willing to fight for it. So many don't - just by having one you're interesting.
3. Self promote
No joke. Let everyone else know you have an opinion (see #2). It's wrong. we all know that humility is exponetially more important, but this, as it turns out, is quite valued in the grown-up world. Just do it and think about about the moral implications later.
4. Understand the difference between cool as promoted and cool as undiscovered
Hard to explain, but if you're in the know, you'll get it. Be cool because you're uncool.
5. Sexy is being non-commital
Okay so that's not true at all, but...well, that's the only thing I've got.
6. It's ok not to be the smartest one in the room
They may know bigger words than you, but if you abide by the rules, you win by matter of interesting-ness. If you're not interesting, you sure as fuck better have a big vocabulary.


  • At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm curious as how you came by this font of knowledge in a mere six hours. Here's what I get from your 191 words, which are very well written by the way.

    1. Creative people who exhibit tendencies that resemble courage ... are crazy. And that's good.

    2. Pick a stance. Any stance. And then hit someone with it.

    3. Humility is a non-virtue. But if that turns out to be untrue ... oh well. It was worth a try.

    4. Even though cool is spelled the same as cool ... the two words don't necessarily mean the same thing. Look it up.

    5. Sexually attractive people don't like to make plans. That's what makes them attractive.

    6. Pick one.

    a. Big words don't make a person smart.
    b. The capacious amplitude of one's vocabulary is imminently non-commensurate with one's capacity for venerable intellect.
    c. Dull people sit at home and read dictionaries a lot.

    I enjoyed your musings. jeh


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